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Showing posts with label Mind Commerce Publishing. Show all posts

Monday, 15 July 2013

New Report : Beyond Cloud Computing: Mobile Communications, Applications, Content, and Commerce in the Cloud

Cloud computing is one of the hottest segments in information technology today along with mobile and wireless.  Today, the number of smartphones in the US exceeds the number of laptops, tablets are enjoying significant growth, and just about every employee has one, two or even three mobile devices. Enterprise IT now has to deal with the additional responsibility of serving customers who use their mobile products to interact with the organization.

Cloud is moving beyond computing and storage and into an entirely new realm of communications, applications, content and applications.  Evidence of this evolution ranges from common examples, such as Google Voice for Cloud-based communications, to less common examples such as Cloud-based payments solutions within the mobile commerce arena.

To Buy a Copy Of This Report:

This research evaluates companies, solutions, opportunities, and the future market for Cloud-based communications, applications, content, and commerce.  This report is must reading for anyone looking beyond computing alone, back-up/synchronization, and/or hosting for new revenue opportunities in Cloud-based services.

M/s Sheela
90 Sate Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: +1-518-618-1030
USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948

Monday, 1 July 2013

Top Research Report On Global LTE Broadcast Market Game Changer :

With the introduction of LTE-enabled high bandwidth, video has become easier to download and stream. While mobile communications, particularly smartphones, tablets, and other wireless devices have gained significant penetration in recent years, data consumption remains relatively low.  However, it is important to note that with only about ten percent of mobile subscribers using video, it represents a demand on network capacity of 50%.

Video in a 3G is clearly a drain on capacity going forward and drives the need for 4G. With the LTE being deployed, Over-the-Top (OTT) providers are expected to see more usage of their video services and they already started to get ready for it.   However, smart mobile network operators will also become much more proactive in terms of their own video offerings as concerns over capacity diminish.

We are now witnessing a reduction in the data service plans from carriers and the competition in the telecommunication market is working for the consumer's favor. The new fourth generation (4G) wireless technologies such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) offer sufficient performance to support IP based streaming video and multimedia services to a large number of consumers simultaneously, with a quality that most will find attractive.

Table of Contents:


2.5.2 CARRIERS   17

3.1 ERICSSON   27
3.4 HUAWEI 33

About Us

MarketResearchReports.Biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are especially designed to save time and money of our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.

M/s Sheela
90 Sate Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: +1-518-618-1030
USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948

Monday, 24 June 2013

Next Generation Network OSS/BSS Market and Forecast 2013-2018

NGN promises a high quality end-user experience. Telecommunications service providers expect the NGN framework to provide them with tools that would ensure customer loyalty. However, the path towards achieving the ideal NGN is fraught with formidable challenges. The most critical challenge confronting operators is optimizing their OSS and BSS platforms, systems, and processes.

With research beginning in 2007, the report Next Generation Network OSS/BSS Market and Forecast 2013-2018 provides a comprehensive analysis of drivers and issues related to technical and business aspects of OSS/BSS deployments and developments while forecasting their growth over the next five years.

Technical Overview of OSS and BSS in NGNs: This section begins with an introduction to OSS and BSS and their roles in the operator environment. It explains the various blocks that go into building of the OSS: Network elements, events, alarms and others. It next explains the BSS building blocks: Billing, rating, mediation, charging, customer care and others. This section is followed by the description of prevalent industry approaches like TMN - FCAPS model that are widely followed by operators. The section then analyzes the technical impact of NGN on OSS and BSS architectures.

Vendor Analysis: Profiles of vendors offering OSS/BSS products and services for next generation networks. This section first explains the basis of vendor selection including vendor classification, innovative contribution, market leadership position and future growth path. Each vendor is then analyzed in the light of its product and solution portfolio, major implementations, differentiating aspects with other vendors and their future plans. The report includes recommendations to vendors including diversification, best practices, market segment, and solution approach.

Quantitative Analysis and Forecast: This section begins with a detailed explanation of the research methodology. Quantitative analysis includes measurable items such as billing systems, network management systems and their sub-classes (mediation, wholesale billing, retail billing, CRM, revenue assurance, resource management, task management, delivery management, synchronization management) along with geographical segmentation, trends and projections. Importantly, the quantitative analysis assesses the impact of various drivers and issues on the above measurable items, thus forming a logical conclusion of the quantitative discussion in the previous sections.

Note: This section represents a comprehensive forecast including Forecast Methodology by Overall OSS and BSS Software Market, Split by OSS and by BSS separately, by geography (NA, EMEA, CALA, and APAC), and by modular break-up including: Network Planning and Engineering (NPE), Fault Management (FM), Performance Management (PM), Provisioning and Service Activation (PSA), Inventory Management (IM), Billing and Customer Care (B&CC), Mediation (MD), and Revenue Assurance (RA).

Questions answered in this report include:

  • What are the telecom network operator interests in NGN OSS/BSS?
  • What are the challenges to OSS and BSS implementation?
  • What are the best OSS and BSS approaches for NGN?
  • What are the technologies involved in OSS and BSS?
  • Who are the leading vendors for NGN OSS/BSS?
  • What is the market forecast for OSS and BSS?

Key Findings:

  • Consolidated OSS revenue will realize 1.4 times more than BSS throughout the period
  • Combined NGN OSS/BSS market (software revenue) will reach US$ 54.36 billion globally in 2018 with 13.72% CAGR
  • From component perspective, share of services revenue will increase from a little above 40% to 60% of totals by 2018
  • NA will remain be the top revenue generating zone with 39% market share and APAC will follow with fastest CAGR of 16.82%
  • An OSS platform shift will be triggered by wearable devices(wearable glasses, smartwatch, etc.) and cloud service medium for BSS
  • Among five OSS modular markets, PSA will have the highest market share by 33% but IM will experience the fastest CAGR of 22.14%

Target Audience:

  • Mobile network operators
  • Network and services integrators
  • OSS/BSS products and services suppliers
  • Next generation network infrastructure providers
  • Third party providers of content, commerce, and applications

Companies in Report:

013 Netvision, 3 (Hutchison), AAPT, Airtel, Albacom, Alcatel-Lucent, Ascom Network, Testing, Alltel, Alvarion USA, Amdocs, Annies, Antel Uruguay, AOL, Apple, ARTelecom, Ascom, AT & T Dobson, AT & T Edge, AT & T Mobility, AT&T, AT&T Wireless, Augere, AWCC, Axtel Comcel (VoilĂ ), Baikal Westcom Russia, BakCell Azerbaijan,, Batelco, Batelco Bahamas, Bell, Bell Aliant, Bell Canada, BellSouth, Communications, Bezeq, Bharti Tele-Ventures, Bouygues Telecom, Brasil Telecom, British Telecom, Broadview, Brocade,BskyB (EasyNet), BSNL, BT, BT Wholesale, Cable & Wireless, CableVision, Caiway, Camtel Cameroon, CAN, CAN Melita, CAT Telecom Thailand, Cbeyond Communications USA, CBOSS, Cellcom,  Cellcom Malaysia, CenturyLink, Cerillion, CFE, Charter Communications,China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom, Cingular, Clearwire, ClearWire USA, Colombia Velcom (MDC) Belarus, COLT, Comarch, Comcast, Comnet, Comptel Corporation, Comverse, Convergys, Cosmote, Covad, Cox Communications, cVidya Inc, Cybercity, Cyta, Czech Telecom, Dell, Deutsche Telecom, Digi, Digicel, Direct on PC, DIRECTV, Dorado Software, Eircom, Elitecore Technologies, Embarq, Equant, Ericsson, Eschelon Telecom USA, ETB, Evolving Systems Inc, Excel Communications, Fair Point, Fastweb, Formula Telecom Solutions, France Telecom, Germany, GCI Communication Corp, Ghanatel, Global Crossing, GO Group, GO Mobile Malta, Golden Lines, H3G, H3G Italy, Hathway, Hewlett-Packard Company, HighDeal, Hot, HTK, Huawei, Hutch, Hutchison, Hutchison Telecom, IBM, Ice, Idea Cellular, Imperial Online, In2cable, Indo Sat, Indonesia Comnet, Indosat M2, Indus Towers, InfoVista, ingTel, Inmarsat, Intec Telecom Systems, Intelco International Telecommunications, Kingston Communications, Korea Telecom, KPN, KT, KTF, LCH.Clearnet, Level 3, LHS, LogNet Systems, M1, Mailtec, Maroc Telecom, Maxis, MCI, MCI WorldCom, Meditel, Melita, Metratech, MindCTI Ltd, Mirant Corporation Mirs, Mobilkom Austria, MobilTel, MobilTel Bulgaria, Motorola, Motricity, MovieBeam USA, MTC, MTN, MTN Etisalat, MTN South Africa, MTNL, MTS, MTS Allstream, MTS Russia, Mycom, MYtv, Nepal Telecom, NetCracker, Netia, Neural Technologies, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Nomad, Nortel Global, Nortel Networks, NRJ Mobile, NSN, NTS Indonesia, NTT, NTT DoCoMo, Netadmin Systems, O2, O2 Germany, O2 UK, Oi, Omantel, ONO, OpenCloud, OPT-PF, Optus, Oracle, Orange, Orange France, Orange Poland, Orange Slovakia, Orange Switzerland, Orascom, Orbitel, Pacific Bangladesh, Paetec Communications USA, Partner, Pelephone, Pine Telephone, Pipex, Polkomtel, Purcell USA, Qwest, Railtel Corporation, Redknee, Reliance, RFF France, Rogers, SBC, Scarlet Telecom, SensorLogic, SFR, Shaw Cablesystems, Sherburn Telesystems, Silk Telecom, Simfonics, SingTel, SingTel Optus, SK Telecom, SoftBank, Sonatel, Sonera Carrier Networks, Sparkle, Spice, Spirit Telecom, Sri Lanka Telecom, STA Andorra, STC Saudi Arabia, Subex, Swisscom, Synchronoss, T Mobile, Tango Networks, Tata Teleservices, TDC, TDS, Telcordia Technologies Inc, Tele2, Telecom Austria, Telecom Italia, Telecom Malaysia, Telecom Namibia, Telecom New Zealand, Telecommunicoaes de Mozambique, Telefonica, Telefonica Del Peru S, Telefonica S.A, Telekom Malaysia, Telemar, Telenet Belgium, Telewest Broadband, Telfort, Telgua (Claro) Guatemala, TeliaSonera, Telkom SA, Telkomsel, Telstra, TELUS, Teracom, Terrastar, The MTN Group Africa, The US Army, TIM, Time Warner Cable, Time Warner Telecom, Malaysia, Tiscalli, T-Mobile, T-Mobile Germany, T-Mobile UK, T-Mobile USA, TNSI, Transtel, Trilogy Dominicana (Viva) , Trilogy International Partners, TTI Telecom, Turkcell, twtelecom, Tyco Telecommunications, Telcordia Technologies Inc, Uecomm, UPC, US Cellular, UshaComm, Ventraq (Formerly ACE*COMM), Verizon, Verizon Wireless, Vibo Peterstar, Videotron, VimpelCom Group (Beeline), Virgin Media Business, Virgin Mobile, Vivacom, Vodafone, Vodafone (SFR) France, Vodafone Ghana, Vodafone Spain, Vodafone UK, Voiamo, Volksbank, Vonage, VPIsystems Inc, VTel Holdings, Wana, WANDL (Wide Area Network Design Laboratory), Wateen Telecom, WebNMS, WildBlue Communications, Wind, Xalted, XINTEC SA, You Telecom, Zain Iraq, Zain Kuwait, ZTE, ZIRA

About Us

MarketResearchReports.Biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are especially designed to save time and money of our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.

M/s Sheela
90 Sate Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: +1-518-618-1030
USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Global Telecom Network API Industry 2013-2018 Available by

While a large part of the market is yet to understand their technological and strategic significance, Telco Network APIs play a critical part in carrier networks as a secondary stream of revenue.  Telco Network APIs capitalize on existing network infrastructure to create a vast array of business opportunities for carriers worldwide.  In essence, these APIs allow carriers to disseminate a wealth of internal information or resources to third parties.  This could entail everything from network QoS for video service delivery to Subscriber Data Management (SDM) for advertising and profiling, the goal being to enable third party developers to offer services in return for revenues.

Today nearly 24 % of all web and 15 % of all mobile applications utilize APIs. This figure is expected to increase to over 68 % by the end of 2018, drive by growing investments from the vendor, developer and the carrier community.  As a consequence the Telco Network APIs market is expected to account for $ 157 Billion in global revenues worldwide by 2018, growing at a CAGR of 38 % between 2013 and 2018.

Telecom Network API Marketplace: Strategy, Ecosystem, Players and Forecasts 2013 - 2018 provides an in-depth assessment of the global Telco Network APIs market, including business models, value chain analysis, operator and vendor strategies and a quantitative assessment of the industry from 2012 till 2018.

The report addresses the following key topics:

The Business Case for Telco Network APIs:  An assessment of the business case for Telco Network APIs

API Aggregation: The role of API Aggregators, the total cost usage for APIs with aggregation and a review of aggregator API usage by category.
Competitive Issues: Competitive issues within the Telco API market such as reduction in TCO, open APIs and ease of configuration.
The Value Chain of Telco Operator APIs Usage:  An analysis of the value chain of Telco operator API usage for services including an assessment of revenue across participants in the value chain from end users, developers, aggregators to the API owners, and how this economic model will change over time.
Operator, Application Provider & Vendor Strategies:  An analysis of how operators, application providers and vendors will position themselves to capitalize on network APIs
Analysis of Telco and Non-Telco Network APIs:  Includes major Telco network and Non-Telco Network APIs and mashups throughout the globe, and an assessment of which APIs will lead the market in the future.
Market Analysis and Forecasts:  A global and regional assessment of the market size and forecasts for the Telco Network API market from 2012 till 2018

Key Findings:

  • The telecom networks API market will grow at a CAGR of 38 % between 2013 and 2018, eventually accounting for $ 157 Billion in global revenue by the end of 2018
  • In terms of regional revenue split, the Asia Pacific, North America and Western Europe region will remain to be the largest market segments by the end of 2018, while the Latin & Central America and Middle East & Africa regions will see the healthiest growth rates over the next five years.
  • In terms of individual API categories, the Subscriber Data Management (SDM) category will witness the fastest growth rate and will eventually account for $ 29 Billion in global revenue by the end of 2018
  • The average volume of API transactions for a Tier 1 wireless carrier will significantly increment over the next five years eventually reaching 160 Billion transactions a month on average.

Target Audience:

  • API Aggregators
  • Investment Firms
  • Application Developers
  • Mobile Device Vendors
  • Mobile Network Carriers
  • Service Bureau Companies
  • Wireless Infrastructure Vendors
  • Telecom Managed Service Providers
  • Major enterprise and businesses of all types

About Us

MarketResearchReports.Biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are especially designed to save time and money of our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.

M/s Sheela
90 Sate Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: +1-518-618-1030
USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948

Global Augmented Reality in Healthcare Industry Available Through

Augmented reality (AR) has gained a lot of attention for its potential use in many industry verticals including manufacturing, public safety, education, advertising, and entertainment.

With the commercialization of high speed data network such as the Fourth Generation (4G) cellular networks via Long Term Evolution (LTE), the use of AR applications in healthcare represents a particularly compelling value proposition for cost reduction and of course saving lives.  Many AR applications in healthcare provide the benefit of visualizing three dimensional data captured from non-invasive sensors.  Applications range from remote 3D image analysis to advanced telesurgery.

This report provides analysis of the current status of AR applications and future opportunities in the healthcare sector.  

The report includes case studies of AR in healthcare. 


Target Audience:

  • Healthcare organizations
  • Mobile application developers
  • Wireless infrastructure suppliers
  • OTT application and service providers
  • Wireless carriers and other service providers
  • Augmented Reality (AR) application developers

About Us

MarketResearchReports.Biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are especially designed to save time and money of our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.

M/s Sheela
90 Sate Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: +1-518-618-1030
USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948

Global Mobile Value-added Services (VAS) in the Cloud Industry 2013 - 2018 by

Cloud computing has started to play a crucial role in mobile based value-added service (VAS) offering as end-users appetite for applications is ever-increasing and service providers are increasingly moving towards alternative service platforms and support infrastructure.   

Mobile VAS in the Cloud includes communications, content, commerce and applications of various types.  Leading companies are positioning themselves to take leverage cost improvements as well as enhanced functionality, services integration, and convergence across service types heretofore constrained by device type, network type, and/or service provider.  However, ensuring a fast, flexible, and economically viable service delivery via the Cloud is a continuous challenge thanks to security issues, piracy concerns, and the threat of cybercriminals damaging consumer and enterprise data.

This research evaluates opportunities for mobile VAS in the Cloud, company specific solutions, alliances to combat challenges, market drivers and decision factors for consumer and enterprise customers.  The report includes analysis of forecasts as well as recommendations for industry players. 

Target Audience:

  • Cloud services companies
  • Mobile network operators
  • Small to Medium Business (SMB)
  • Network infrastructure providers
  • VAS application development companies
  • Large multinational enterprise companies
  • Security and privacy protection companies

Companies in Report:

  • Awareness Technologies
  • Business Innovation Councils 
  • CA Technologies
  • CERT
  • CREDANT Technologies
  • Cisco
  • Dell
  • EMC
  • Google
  • GuardTime
  • HP
  • HyTrust
  • IBM
  • McAfee
  • Okta
  • Panda
  • Perkins
  • Rand Group
  • Red Hat
  • Simplified
  • Soundcloud
  • Symantec
  • Trend Micro
  • VMware
  • Vyatta
  • Xen

Key Findings:

  • Global cloud software security market is predicted to reach US$ 3 billion by 2018
  • Latin America will remain the top growth market for cloud based VAS market over the next 5 years
  • Cloud segment IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) will hold the highest market share of 44% by 2018 
  • Government agencies and large enterprises will be the top users of cloud security software by 2018

About Us

MarketResearchReports.Biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are especially designed to save time and money of our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.

M/s Sheela
90 Sate Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: +1-518-618-1030
USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Worldwide LTE Strategy Market 2013 - 2018 Latest Report by

Migrating cellular networks to fourth generation (4G) via the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard and other supporting technologies is a monumental effort.  Beyond the obvious radio planning and engineering is a huge effort in the areas of application planning, business operations planning, and technical planning.  Developing effective strategies for success with LTE is key to the successful commercialization of 4G for all mobile network operators.

LTE will usher in a new world of opportunities and challenges for every industry constituent including everything from new business models and industry participants to operational support systems for improved quality of service and user experience.

This report provides LTE strategies and technology analysis and provides recommendations for mobile network deployment.  It also includes market analysis of the LTE marketplace including mobile handsets, key service developments, device advancements and more.  

The report also includes forecasts in every major area associated with LTE including:

  • Landline/Fixed Losses forecast
  • Migration from Landline to VoIP forecast
  • Global Wireless Infrastructure Spending (by technology, region, type)
  • Global LTE Device forecast and Data Usage (by category, device type, and region)
  • Global LTE Subscriptions and Revenue (by consumer, enterprise, and industry segment)

The report is must-reading for anyone developing strategy associated with deployment and operations of LTE including:

  • Product and services plans
  • Application development and distribution
  • Handset evolution and capability development
  • Impact assessment of LTE evolution on long-term planning
  • Investment in next generation infrastructure, devices, and applications
  • Network integration including API strategy and application launch/operation
  • Enterprises of all types seeking to identify the impacts and opportunities of 4G

Key Findings:

  • While gaining greatly through 2018, enterprise LTE subscription remain less then consumer
  • Mobile network operators have an imperative to develop Value-added Services (VAS) for LTE
  • Carriers must develop key applications such as Corporate Dashboard to retain enterprise customers
  • Extreme growth in mobile data associated with LTE expansion will require next generation OSS solutions
  • Carriers must prepare for a variety of challenges including much more data usage, increasingly more services in the cloud, severely marginalized core services, and development of VAS across communications, content, and commerce

Report Benefits:

  • Global forecasts for LTE devices including data usage by category, device type, and region
  • Global forecasts for LTE subscription (overall, consumer, enterprise and by industry vertical)
  • LTE global and regional status update and analysis of key issues including capacity and spectrum
  • Identify the key trends and issues associated with implementing and operating broadband wireless 
  • Understand the evolution of wireless to 4G and beyond including network topology and integration
  • Identify the business value and roadmap for implementation and operation of LTE based applications 
  • Understand the future of LTE including applications, integration with the cloud, social networks, and more
  • Identify emerging LTE business models including third-party ecosystems, API integration, and expanded applications
  • Recommendations and analysis for carriers, content providers, application developers and infrastructure companies
Understand the issues and opportunities regarding key evolutionary trends including:

  • Anytime, anywhere, any device access to communications, content, commerce, and applications
  • Increased emphasis on non-human communications
  • The convergence and integration of many things
  • Open networks, open interfaces, and many applications

Target Audience:

  • Mobile content providers
  • Mobile network operators
  • Wireless device manufacturers
  • Wireless infrastructure providers
  • Application developers and aggregators
  • Government and sovereign R&D institutions

About Us

MarketResearchReports.Biz is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are especially designed to save time and money of our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.

M/s Sheela
90 Sate Street, Suite 700
Albany, NY 12207
Tel: +1-518-618-1030
USA – Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948